Monday, March 18, 2013

Annie’s Stain Pre-Wash Treatment

If your house is anything like ours, y’all get a lot of stains on clothes and towels that you may not mean to get stained.

Sure we all have our “work clothes,” but sometimes you just get sidetracked and before you know it, you have your Sunday-go-to-meeting attire filthy.

Never fear! Annie’s Stain Pre-Wash Treatment is here! (Courtesy of my sweet mama.)

This stuff works phenomenally well. Remember me telling you about how dirty I got my clothes on the night of the fateful meeting with the skunk?  Yep. This is the same stuff my sweet mama used on my clothing, and there was nary a stain to be found!

Annie’s Stain Pre-Wash Treatment

  • Clean out and clearly mark old spray bottle or dish soap bottle
  • Add one cup liquid laundry detergent
  • Add one cup ammonia
  • Add one cup water
  • Shake

That is it, folks. So easy. So simple.

To use:
  • Test in small spot to make sure it is safe for your garment. I have never had it not be ok, but one can never be too careful when it comes to our favorite clothes.
  • Generously douse stain, allowing it to soak in mixture for at least one hour.
  • Wash as you normally would
  • After washing, look for stain, if still there, do not dry. Repeat above steps until stain is gone.

My sweet mama has used this recipe for years, saving all sorts of my favorite clothes from certain demise.

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”



  1. Love it! I went ahead and added this to my "Household Tips" section of Pinterest. You may want to look into modifying your blog with "Pin It" buttons on every post. This would allow people to save and share your posts online (as well as greatly increase your number of readers!)

  2. Kore,
    Thank you! That is a wonderful idea! I will have to figure out how to do that!

  3. Kore,
    Sigh, neither JP, nor I could figure it out. Phooey. :(
