Sunday, September 1, 2013

Annie’s Temporary Tomato Preservation Technique

Although this is the peak of canning season, sometimes life will throw you curve balls that make it simply impossible to continue with canning at the present time.

While I do can several items, the most important food for me to can is every yellow tomato I can get my hands on.

JP enjoys my yellow tomato chili. Of course yellow tomatoes are very hard to come by in the middle of the winter, so I try to put up as many quarts of yellow tomatoes as possible each summer.

This year I have been waylaid by surgery, so I came up with a quick and easy way to keep my tomatoes until I am ready to process them. It works well for me, and I hope that you will be able to use it also!

Annie’s Temporary Tomato Preservation Technique

  • Pick tomatoes, making sure to take stem off.
  • Wash tomatoes, allowing them to dry.
  • Cut out stem and core, being sure to also cut off any spots.
  • Place in freezer Ziploc bag.
  • Place bag in freezer.

When you are ready to process your tomatoes, remove bag from freezer and allow it to thaw completely. I make all of my tomato sauce with the skins, so I just throw the entire tomato into boiling water. The skin has vital nutrients that I believe should be kept. More on how I process my tomatoes and the nutritional value of the skins in a later post.

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Enjoy your Labor Day weekend, my friends!


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