Monday, January 14, 2013

Swing Dancing

Dancing the night away…..

One Friday a month, TC, L1 and I make the three-hour drive to Indianapolis to attend the Fountain Square Friday Night Swing Dance.

Since we are making the trip anyway, we try to leave early enough to hit a few stores before heading to Fountain Square. This is always very exciting for me since I hardly ever venture out of our small little town for ANY type of shopping, let alone the type of shopping where you wander around, not really looking for anything in particular.

Once our stomachs start demanding food, we head on over to the Fountain Square district. This recently revitalized area of Indianapolis is home to several quaint, and sometimes eclectic, cafes. Everything from Thai food to Mexican food to pizza is offered up within walking distance of the Fountain Square theatre building. The food is fabulous, the wait staffs are excellent, and the prices low. What is there not to love?

Finally the time arrives to make our way to the dance hall. While we wait in line with fellow dancers, we chat about the upcoming festivities. Who will be there? Will our table be free? What band will be playing?

The theater slowly fills with people of all ages and of all levels of experience. Lessons are offered the first hour of the dance. In this way, everyone that attends can join in the fun with at least the basic swing steps.

As the live band starts to play the big band music of a long ago era, couples fill the dance floor. The regulars are there…the college swing dance clubs…the older couples that make this their date night…the fathers dancing with their little girls.

The newbies are there as well…stumbling, trying again, counting out loud with fierce looks of determination. All are welcome and made to feel at home.

This is our safe place. The place where we can all dance to our capability level, never being laughed at, or made fun of. This is our place to learn new steps. To be encouraged as we try challenging moves. To enjoy the comradery that only comes from sharing in a pastime about which we are all so very passionate.

TC takes turns dancing with L1 and me. We also take turns dancing with other attendees. No request to dance is ever turned down. Throughout the night, high school seniors will be seen enjoying a dance with senior citizens. Experienced instructors will be dancing with novices. We are all joined by our mutual love of the steps.

As the evening winds down, we each dance our final dances for the month, sadly bidding farewell to the Fountain Square Theater. We leave exhilarated, exhausted, and starving.

We remedy the last issue with a late night-early morning breakfast at Peppy’s diner, just a short walk from the dance hall. Peppy’s is always open. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our waiter, Eric, is always there, cooking for, and joking with, the patrons as they come through the door. Peppy’s is a historical landmark of Fountain Square, having been in business since the 1950s. Each time we go, I put money in the jukebox, select my songs, and ask Eric to dance. While visibly nervous, he always accepts. Just another added charm of this little diner.

While we eat, we chat with Eric about life, getting caught up on the news. TC and I also watch as Eric flirts ferociously with L1. Ahh…young love….so wasted on youth. ;-)

On our way home, we crank the radio and have a three-hour sing-a-long until we arrive safely. We are exhausted but happy. Our time together is precious. I love making memories with members of my eclectic family. I love the time we spend laughing, teasing, and dancing. I love our sweet time together, living life to the fullest.

As Martha Graham said, “Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”


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