Saturday, January 5, 2013

Living Life Simply

Live life simply.

These words are emblazoned on a plaque in my living room. They are a daily reminder to slow down. To take time for the little things. To capture and live each moment.

JP and I are, for the most part, a single income family. This happened when we decided that I would be a Stay At Home Mom with Little Bug. It took us a few years to get into the groove of our new lifestyle. However, now that we have lived on basically one income for seven years, I have learned several tips and tricks to enjoying life while still stretching our dollars.

Over the past few years I have had several people ask for my advice on how to save money, how to get out of debt, how to plan vacations on little money, how to live a more simple life.

My question is this: What specific topics should I discuss on this blog? I am not the expert on ANYTHING, (except maybe how to lure Little Bug out of bed on a school morning,) but I am willing to share what I have learned over the years with those that would like to know.

As Doug Robinson said, “ I want to live simply, to work honestly, to love completely and to dare mightily, so that when I die, my children, and their children, will know that I died empty, and well satisfied.”


  1. This is a great theme for a blog. We can all live more simply no matter what our income might be at different points in our lives...

  2. I see there is a primary focus on particular skills and strategies. I was wondering if maybe you could do a blog post on the types of "strategies" that govern the way you facilitate bonding time with the family? I read bits and pieces about movie nights and playing board games, but I wonder if you might expand on that a bit and your philosophies on the subject. I think it's really cool how you're able to bring about a great level of intimacy with the family without having to spend lots of money to make it happen. A lot of fun stuff seems to be low-cost, creative ways to make a really supportive environment and I'd love some advice on this very important component of family building.

    1. robb, stay tuned for blogs focused on how our family grows closer together. :)

  3. Sarah - I think you need to blog about everything. You are so full of life and ideas, and I learn from you all of the time on FB, and would benefit from anything you have to share.
