Monday, January 21, 2013

Educational Board Games

We have always played games with Little Bug. Even as an infant we would include her in family games. With my background in education (M.Ed, B.Ed,) many games that we have gotten specifically for her have an educational value.

With the introduction of household computers and personal game systems, I do realize that board games of any sort are out of vogue. However, JP and I have always loved games, both firmly standing on the grounds that they promote unity amongst the family unit.

We run the gamut of games that we play with Little Bug…Memory…Go Fish…Monopoly…State Geography…World Geography…Aggravation….Trivial Pursuit…and the list goes on.

People may think that a six year old is too young for some of the games on this list, but with a little guidance, Little Bug has become quite proficient at all of them.

As she plays each game, I can almost see her little mind at work, calculating, counting, making decisions, searching for the correct answer. All of this adds up to a wonderful way to teach our daughter the thinking skills she will need to be successful in life.

I have witnessed her using the aforementioned skills to work out problems presented to her by her classroom teacher. I have watched in awe as she has answered Final Jeopardy questions correctly with the knowledge she has learned as a result of game time. These skills and facts did not just show up one day. They were introduced and taught.

Playing board games also teaches the valuable lessons of winning (or losing) well, good sportsmanship, honesty, taking turns, and encouraging one another. It builds character. We have never "thrown" a game to allow her to win. this makes the moment she actually DOES win all the sweeter.

JP and I may seem backward to today’s thinking. We do not buy into the TV/computer/video game babysitter method. We believe that a child learns best when fully engaged with other human beings.

Educational games CAN be expensive, however, I find them quite often at thrift stores and garage sales. Sadly most are hardly used, if even opened.

As you look for ways to bond and grow closer to your children while at the same time bolstering their academic achievement, I highly recommend trying out some educational games. If you do not know where to start or which game to purchase, contact me and I will give you some suggestions.

It is never too late to start playing board games with your children. While you may at first be met with eye rolls and loud sighing, overtime they will learn to enjoy it. Perhaps they will even look forward to it, as Little Bug does.

As Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” Well said, Dr. King. Well said.



  1. What is the name of the game you have pictured above? Looks like a fun one, and a good teaching tool. I know a 5 yr old that would like to play this. :) I'm sad to admit we've "thrown" games for him in the past. He's a rotten loser and we've done it to avoid tantrums...not a great excuse and we're working on improving our sportsmanship!!

    1. Fred~

      The game is called "Name That State." It is a great game to teach state geography! You may want to explain to your little one that you will no longer be throwing games, and that tantrums will not be tolerated. When Little Bug gets upset about a move in the game, she gets one warning. After that, if she gets upset again, she is out of the game. This has really helped her learn how to have good sportsmanship. Enjoy game night!
      ~Annie :)
